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60 degrees C

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Q: Your new water heater's thermostat is calibrated in degrees Celsius. What setting should you use if you want a hot water temperature of 140 degrees F?
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What temperature is a thermometer calibrated to?

A thermometer is typically calibrated to measure temperatures within a specific range, such as room temperature (around 20-25 degrees Celsius) or body temperature (around 37 degrees Celsius). The calibration point depends on the intended use of the thermometer.

On a calibrated thermometer what is 98.6?

The temperature 98.6°F (approximately equal to 37° Celsius) is the reference temperature long used to represent the average "normal human body temperature." The actual base temperature varies by individual, and is slightly lower in most adults. An individual's body temperature also varies throughout the day, generally lower at night and higher during the day.

The air temperature?

check your thermostat. probably somewhere between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius?

What are thermometers measured in?

Thermometers may be calibrated in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius.

Why is there a zero Celsius in a place temperature?

The Celsius scale is calibrated so that zero Celsius is the freezing point of water at sea level, and one hundred degrees Celsius is the boiling point of water at sea level.

What extremely cold point is the kelvin scale calibrated?

The Kelvin scale is calibrated at absolute zero, which is the coldest temperature possible where particles stop moving and have zero thermal energy. This temperature is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is currently 20 degrees Celsius and it decreases by 30 degrees what will the temperature be in Celsius?

If the temperature decreases by 30 degrees Celsius from 20 degrees Celsius, the new temperature will be -10 degrees Celsius.

What is the normal temperature a car engine radiates?

What ever the thermostat is set for, probably 195 degrees F.

What is the temperature drop from 3 degrees Celsius to -7 degrees Celsius?

The temperature drop from 3 degrees Celsius to -7 degrees Celsius is 10 degrees.

If the temperature is 95 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

35 degrees Celsius.

If a temperature is 32 degrees what is the celsius?

The temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.

If a temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is it in Celsius temperature?

Zero degrees Celsius.