around 32
Twenty Matches (20).
Well, honey, a standard book of matches typically contains about 20 matches. Unless you're dealing with some fancy, extra-long matches or a mini travel pack, you can expect to find around 20 chances to start a fire or light a candle. Just don't go burning down the house now, ya hear?
The collective nouns are a box of matches or a book of matches.
The correct answer is "the box of matches is on the shelf." "Is" is used because "box" is singular, so the verb should agree with the singular noun.
I bought a box of Orange Matchmakers from Asda today. There were 36 in the box
The collective nouns for matches is a box of matches or a book of matches.
A "book" or box of matches.
The collective nouns are a box of matches or a book of matches.
What is a "standard box" -please give us ounces or grams.