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i dont know :) sory i didnt get the question!! :D

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Q: Is 5 percent nicotine bad
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Is there nicotine in Coke?

it makes the nicotine affect your organs twice as bad and can kill you 5 years sooner.

What is the percent of Niccotine in Ciggarite ashes?

In the past 6 years, roughly 10%. But the percentage was more way back when because they didn't know how bad nicotine and tobacco was for you.

How long does it take for nicotine to leave blood stream?

of course nicotine is the bad part of smoking...

What is the number one addiction that is bad for you?

Nicotine is one of the many addictions that is bad for you.

Can chewing tobacco give you a headache?

yes it has nicotine in it which is a drug. nicotine poisioning is when you get a headache from nicotine, also more severe nicotine poisioning can cause light headedness, nausea, and also cause you to vomit. if you are a lightweight on nicotine if you put a big dip in its enough to make you throw up after about 25 minutes. but you will probably feel so bad before you ever make it to 25 minutes. my first i was lightheaded after 5 minutes of putting it in.

Is tobacco bad or are cigarettes bad?

The burning of the cigarette is bad. It releases tar into the lungs which will give you an increased chance of getting lung cancer. Tobacco is inside cigarettes, nicotine is an addictive drug found in tobacco. You can overdose on nicotine, but there aren't enough supporting studies to show that nicotine from the tobacco is exactly harmful. Nicotine is not a carcinogen and therefore does not cause cancer.

Nicotin contains 74.03 percent C 8.70 percent H and 17.27 percent N by mss The mass of nicotine is 162.23gmol What is the empirical formula and molecular formula for nicotine?

The empirical formula of nicotine is C7H10N2, calculated by converting the percentages into moles and finding the simplest whole-number ratio. To find the molecular formula, divide the molar mass of nicotine by the empirical formula mass to get the multiple, which is 2. Therefore, the molecular formula of nicotine is C14H20N4.

What is nocotine?

NIcotine are the one of ciggartes wich bad for your lungs

Is vaping bad for pregnant women?

No, the nicotine will affect the baby.

Effects of nicotine?

nicotine is bad and is very addictive. There is not much of it in cigarettes because people absorb it quickly, but, you must not eat nicotine pads because they have much more nicotine in them to go in your skin, and if eaten, could possibly die.

Nicotine and colitis?

Nicotine tends to have a beneficial effect in colitis. Patients tend to improve with nicotine if they smoke 3-5 cigarettes or have nicotine patch during flare up of colitis

Do electronic cigarettes have the same kick?

No. It still has nicotine in it, but no smoke. It is still bad for you, but not as bad as normal ones.