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Factor VII is one of the proteinsthat causes blood to clot in the coagulation cascade.

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Factor VII is one of the proteinsthat causes blood to clot in the coagulation cascade.

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factor I (fibrinogen), factor II (prothrombin), factor III (tissue thromboplastin), factor IV (calcium), factor V (proaccelerin), factor VI (no longer considered active in hemostasis), factor VII (factor-vii), factor VIII (antihemophilicfactor), factor IX (plasma thromboplastincomponent; Christmas factor), factor X (stuart-factor-stuart-prower-factor), factor XI (plasma thromboplastinantecedent), factor XII (factor-xii), factor XIII (fibrin stabilizing factor).

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Between 60-150 % is normal. My daughter is a carrier of Factor 7, and is 53%.

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A lack of factor VIII is hemophilia A, and a lack in factor IX is hemophilia B. They can cause excessive bleeding because the person is unable to clot.

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Factor I = Fibrinogen Factor II = Prothrombin Factor III = Tissue factor Factor IV = Calcium Factor V = Labile factor Factor VI - Does not exist as it was named initially but later on discovered not to play a part in blood coagulation. Factor VII = Stable factor Factor VIII = Antihemophilic factor A Factor IX = Antihemophilic factor B or Christmas factor (named after the first patient in whom the factor deficiency was documented) Factor X = Stuart Prower factor Factor XI = Antihemophilic factor C Factor XII = Hageman factor Factor XIII = Fibrin stabilising factor

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