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You get lots of pasta and stick them together. Do not use glue as it is not tasty. I find that if you use semen, it sticks for much longer and tastes better.

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Q: How do you make a strong pasta bridge?
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Yes, but the bridge depends on its age. The older it is, the weaker the bridge is. The younger it is, the STRONGER the bridge is.

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You use lollipop sticks.

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because steel is strong:)

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Steel and geometry, tension, straight, aches and channels make a good bridge

Why would steel be a good material to make a bridge?

because it is safe and strong

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you should us whole wheat and tell me how it went??

Is a bridge made out of pasta going to be stronger than a bridge made out of toothpicks?

It depends on your definition of "strongness". Pasta can be more rigid, but toothpicks have more flexibility, depending on conditions. Like everything else, it depends on the rules.

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Yes. It is very strong.

Does the weight of the bridge in the science olympiad elevated bridge competition matter?

in 2010, it does b/c someoen could make a very strong bridge, but it is 20 lbs., and that is not legal; i am not sure if it will be the same next year

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Reciple for pasta salad