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400 miles

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Q: How long is a trench that is 3 feet across 6 feet deep and 400 miles long?
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How deep is mariano trench?

First off, its Mariana Trench, and it is at 11,033 meters (36,201 feet) deep

How deep is the Mariana Trench?

It is 11,034 meters (36,201 feet) deep, which is almost 7 miles. Tell students that if you placed Mount Everest at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the peak would still be 2,133 meters (7,000 feet) below sea level.

Where is the deepest ocean trench on earth?

The Mariana Trench is the deepest trench in Earth's oceans.

How deep is the Hellenic Trench?

The Hellenic trench is about 5000 meters or 16404 feet at the Matapan Deep system.

How deep is the puerto rico trench in feet?

35,400 feet deep

What is the deepest trench in the world?

The deepest ocean depth to be sounded is in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,911 m (35,798 ft) below sea level.Underwater the Marianas Trench would be the deepest Trench in the World.Challenger Deep's Deepest part is about 35,838 feet deep (11035 meters).The deepest point in any ocean is the Mariana Trench (aka Challenger Deep) in the western Pacific Ocean at 11,033 metres deep.

Are there any oceans more than 2 miles deep?

Yes. Some Oceans are more than 10 miles deep.

What is the deepest underwater canyon in the world?

The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean which is 10,911 meters deep (35,798 feet or 6.78 miles).

How deep is Japan trench?

A couple Billion feet

How deep is the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench the deepest point in the oceans?

Challenger Deep is a very deep spot on Mariana's Trench. Mariana's Trench is very long and Challenger Deep is just a tiny part of it, considered the deepest part.

What would a WW1 trench have looked like?

Trenches were about seven feet deep muddy holes that could stretch for miles. They were protected by barbed wire about six feet outside the trench and had holes dug in the side where the solders could rest. At the end of each units section there was a latrine (toilet) dug out, usually four to five feet deep.

What is the deepest part of the pacific ocean in feet and in meter?

Mariana's Trench, the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean, is around 35,000 feet deep. That is nearly 7 miles.