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Katmai National Park is 4,093,077 acres.

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Related questions

How big is Katmai national park?

According to Wikipedia, 4,725,188 acres (19,122 km²).

How many times has mount Katmai erupt?

Mount Katmai erupted only 1 time in 1912.

How many times has Mt Katmai erupted?


How many people did the katmai volcano kill?


When was Katmai Wilderness created?

Katmai Wilderness was created in 1980.

How many people live near mount katmai?

Mount Katmai is located in Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska, which is a remote area with limited human population. The nearest town is King Salmon, which has a population of around 400 people. Therefore, there are very few people who live near Mount Katmai.

Where is Volcano Katmai?

Mount Katmai is on the Alaskan Peninsula in the American state of Alaska.

What is the area of Katmai Wilderness?

The area of Katmai Wilderness is 13,696.011 square kilometers.

Is mt katmai on a convergent boundary?

Yes, Mount Katmai is located in Alaska, which is on the boundary where the Pacific tectonic plate is converging with the North American plate. This tectonic activity has contributed to the formation of the volcanic arc that includes Mount Katmai.

Is mount katmai a composite volcano?

yes, mount katmai is a composite volcano

Is the Katmai volcano located on a hot spot?

Yes, the Katmai volcano is located on a hot spot in southern Alaska. This hot spot is responsible for the formation of the Aleutian volcanic chain, which includes Katmai and other volcanoes.

Is Mount Katmai a strato volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

Mount Katmai is a strato volcano, also known as a composite volcano. It is characterized by its steep slopes, large size, and explosive eruptions caused by the buildup of magma beneath the surface.