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Woah... i was about to say it might not be in acres but....

'..Unbelievably, over 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day in the world. That is over 150 acres lost every minute of every day. Experts estimate that at the current rate of destruction, the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. Experts also estimate that we are losing 130 species of plants, animals and insects every single day as they become extinct from the loss of rainforest land and habitats..'


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14y ago
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9y ago

~3M hectares/yr, 11.6 thousand mi^2/yr, 31.7 mi^2/day, 1.3 mi^2/hr, 0.02 mi^2/min, 613 thousand ft^2/min, 10.2 thousand ft^2/sec

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12y ago

like LEGIT rain forgets none but there are over 1000's of tree cut down in a day!!

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15y ago

Three acres every two seconds!

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13y ago

the answer is

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14y ago

i would say that mayby 6%

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12y ago

15 trees are lost every day

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Q: How many acres of rain forest does the world lose every second of the day?
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How much of the rainforest is being cut down every second?

170 acres per second in the world

How many trees get cut down in a second?

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How many acres of forest could be saved by recycling half the world's paper?

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How much rain forest is being cut down every year month week day hour and second?

Every second whole football field is being cut down all over the world.

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How many acres of forest on earth?

Approximately 31% of the Earth's land area is covered by forests, which equates to about 10 billion acres. Forests are vital for biodiversity, climate regulation, and providing resources for humans and wildlife. Deforestation and forest degradation continue to pose a significant threat to the world's forests.

How much forest is lost every second?

Approximately 40 football fields worth of forest are lost every minute, which translates to about 55,000 square kilometers of forest lost each year. This rapid rate of deforestation is primarily caused by human activities such as logging, agriculture, and infrastructure development. Conservation efforts and sustainable forest management practices are crucial to mitigate these losses.

How many acres of rainforest are destroyed each second?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) found that tropical deforestation rates increased 8.5 percent from 2000-2005 when compared with the 1990s.All round the world tropical rainforests lost 10,240,000 hectares (25 million acres) every year between 1990 and 2005.That's:10,240,000 hectares (25,000,000 acres) in one year. Or197,000 ha (481,000 acres) in one week. Or28,000 ha (69,000 acres) in one day. Or1172 ha (2861 acres) in one hour. Or19.5 ha (48 acres) every minute.0.33 ha (0.8 acres) every second.That's about 36 football fields of rainforest lost every minute.An American Football field measures 0.53 ha (1.32 acres).Countries annually losing the most rainforest 1990 and 2005:Brazil: 2,974,867 ha (7,351,000 acres) per yearIndonesia: 1,447,800 ha (3,577,000 acres)Papua New Guinea: 266,600 ha (660,000 acres)Bolivia: 135,200 ha (334,000 acres)Peru: 123,000 ha (304,000 acres)More information at the link below.

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How big is the Taiga forest?

The Taiga forest is the world's largest biome, covering around 17% of the Earth's land area. It spans across North America, Europe, and Asia, predominantly in Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia.

What resources does Canada have the second most of in the whole world?

Frontier Forest.