There are approximately 696 billion gallons of water in Lake Winnebago.
Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe are the major lakes in North Dakota.
Approx 756,993,907,779 gallons
Truman Lake in Missouri has about 11.32 million gallons of water in it. There are several types of fish in the lake as well.
90 millon gallons
Lake Pleasant, Arizona has 653062 acre-feet which is 212,801,184.619.474 gallons.
The answer will depend on how deep the lake is!
There are 6 quadrillion gallons of water in Lake St. Clair. That is one fifth of the world's fresh surface water.
Lake Okeechobee holds one trillion gallons of water. It is the largest lake in Florida and is the second largest body of fresh water in the contiguous United States.
Approximately 8,146,286 gallons of water.
North Dakota has many lakes, but the most popular one is probably Lake Sakakawea. Devil's Lake and Lake Metigoshe are also popular.