A literal 'mile' is the same wherever you measure it. However, sailors made a measurement (who knows why?) called a nautical mile, which is longer than a mile.
no land snails haft to live on land such as dirt and grass.but an ocean snail needs to live water to live.
slower over land
B. Ocean currents affect temperatures on land.
a nautical mile
There are typically 1760 yards in a mile in a standard pool.
A "section" of land is 1 square mile, which is the same as 640 acres. The shape really doesn't matter, although they're usually laid out as 1-mile squares.
5280 feet in a land mile
how long does it take to get down 1 mile to the ocean floor
Yes. It has an area of 1 square mile; that's the same as 640 acres. A square that measures 6 miles on a side and has 36 of these 1-mile squares in it is a "township".
Same reason there is plants on land, it is part of the under sea ecosystems
No, Icebergs are usually in the ocean and glaciers are usually on land