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Absolutely, and she will win, provided she has the proper proof.

Your "quitclaim" deed only gave you as much "ownership" as was enjoyed by the previous owner. Anyone could, in theory, give a "quitclaim" to a property they don't actually "own". A "warranty deed" would have given you recourse directly against the seller for failure to convey what was deeded.

If the adverse possession had matured properly over the requisite period, and the claimant can prove in a court "action to quiet title", then your deed may be completely worthless. The people who sold it to you no longer owned it and thus had no power to "sell" it to anyone.

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Q: We were quitclaim deeded an adjoining lot 1 year later a person bought the adjoining property on the other side of the lot and is now claiming adverse possession of the same lot can she do this?
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