

Best Answer

Alaska Texas California Montana New Mexico Arizona

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Q: What are the six largest states by area in the US?
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Rhode Island is the smallest of the 50 US States.

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It is the 32nd largest of the 50 US States in area.

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The island of Oahu is about half the size of the land mass that makes up Rhode Island. You could put Oahu into Connecticut approximately 9 times.

Which region of the US is the largest in area?

the contiguous states, a.k.a. the lower 48

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Florida is the 22nd largest US State by area.

Which two states in the contiguous US have the largest area?

Texas & California

Which of the 50 us states has the largest area of tuncra?

Alaska!!!!!! peace.

Which of the forty-eight states has the largest land area?

Texas in the continental us and Alaska ALASKA is NOT contiguous, Texas is the largest land area. So if you "Which of the forty-eight contiguous states has the largest land area?" Well TEXAS is the largest. ~00ANIMEMANIA00~