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The Pacific Ocean which covers 63.8 million square miles.

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The Pacific Ocean.

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Q: What is the largest ocean in the world in square miles?
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What is the largest Ocean in the world The smallest?

The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean, covering approximately 63 million square miles. The smallest ocean in the world is the Arctic Ocean, spanning around 5.4 million square miles.

What is the largest ocean?

The Pacific OceanThe Pacific Ocean.pacificThe Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's oceans. The area of the Pacific Ocean is 155 million square kilometers or 60 million square miles.

Which ocean is largest in the world?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on planet earth.

What is the largest ocean in the world that covers 64 million square miles?

The pacific ocean is the biggest ocean although I would google the square miles

The largest ocean of the world?

pacific ocean it covers 375000square miles [155557000km square]

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The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world, covering approximately 63 million square miles. The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean, spanning about 5.4 million square miles.

Is the arctic the smallest ocean?

The Arctic Ocean is the world's smallest ocean with an area of 5,400,000 square miles. The largest ocean is the Pacific with an area of 59 million square miles.

What is the ocean between Asia and America?

The Pacific Ocean is located between America and Asia. It is the world's largest ocean and covers 63.8 million square miles.

Which oceanis the second largest in the world?

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world, covering an area of approximately 41.1 million square miles.

What ocean covers 64 million square miles?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world, covering 60-million square miles. The Pacific Ocean makes up 46-percent of the world's water surface.

How large is the worlds largest ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the world's largest ocean, and it is approximately 65.3 million square miles.

Of the four oceans of the world which is the larges in terms of area?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world covering an area of 63.8 million square miles.