I don't believe any lake is the size of Ontario. Perhaps the Caspian Sea is the size of Ontario. Ontario is enormous and contains thousands of lakes. Even Lake Ontario is nowhere near the size of province of the same name.
Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario. Largest to smallest: Lake Superior (82,400 km2) Lake Huron (59,600 km2) Lake Michigan (58,000 km2) Lake Erie (25,700 km2) Lake Ontario (19,500 km2)
No. Lake Michigan is the third largest of the Great Lakes. Lake Ontario is the fifth largest in size at 19,500 km2 .
The size of Bull Shoals Lake is 71 square miles. The size of Table Rock Lake is 67 square miles. The size of Lake Greers Ferry Lake is 6 square miles. The size of Lake Ouachita is 62 square miles. The size of Lake Dardanelle is 62 square miles.
No. According to Wikipedia (the font of all knowledge), Enland is 130,410 square kilometres whereas Lake Ontario is 18,960 square kilometres. Not even close (although I had heard this too).
Ontario, Canada - 415,598 square miles.
Because, for example, it has a surface area of 31,820 sq mi compared to Erie's 9,940 sq mi.
26,600 square miles
Montserrat is a small island measuring about 102 square kilometers (39 square miles) in size. Its population is around 5,000 people.
Lake Superior. Lake Superior - it is the largest lake in the Western Hemisphere in volume and the largest (true) lake in the world by size. Its size is 31,700 square miles and volume is 2,904 cubic miles.
Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake superior Lake ontario Lake michigan Lake okeechobee Lake Tahoe Lake pocono Lake Monroe Lake charles
Ontario is 415,000 square miles, approximately twice the size of Texas which is 268,600 square miles.