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The methods depend based on the type of structures. for eg. for water Retaining structures the Working stress method gives good life and for other structures which is not exposed to water, mostly limit state design works.

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Q: Which method is good limit state method or working stress method?
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Which is economical design out of Limit state and working stress?

limit state method

What is the difference between limit state method of design working stress method of design?

working stress: in this a structure is designed by considering the stresses in its working condition..Limit state: In this the structure is designed by considering the stresses at different limit states. there are two limit states. ultimate limit state (situation in which structure collapse) and servicability limit state (situation in which cracks etc appears.)

You want at least 4 difference between limit state and working stress method of design?

factor of safety

What is the difference between working stress method and limit state method of under reinforced section?

Working stress method of design based on the elastic theory in which materials, concrete and steel are assumed to be stressed well below their elastic limit under the design loads. Working stressess (permissible stress) for the materials are determined by dividing the ultimate or yield stressess by suitable factor of safety values. Limit state method of design based on limit state concept, te structure shall be designed to withstand safely all loads liable to act on it throughout its life;It shall also satisfy the serviceability requirements, such as limitations on deflection and cracking. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs is called a "limit state". The aim of design is to achieve acceptable probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for which is intended, that is that it will not reach a limit state...

What is limit state method?

The limit state method is advantageous because all the limit states are checked to ensure that they will survive future conditions such as structural stress. The limit state method ensures that the structures can withstand a lot of pressure and remain durable.

What are the advantages of the method of limits?

The limit state method is advantageous because all the limit states are checked to ensure that they will survive future conditions such as structural stress. The limit state method ensures that the structures can withstand a lot of pressure and remain durable.

Why use working stress method for water tank design?

i think , because water tanks are more vulnerable structures and plus the tank is sometime overfilled and sometime empty, the pressure inside is so varying, its needs more safety precautions and as we all know working stress method assumes more safety factor than limit state design, which is an economical design, we prefer to use working stress method...

Difference between ultimate strength design and working stress design?

Working stress method of design based on the elastic theory in which materials, concrete and steel are assumed to be stressed well below their elastic limit under the design loads. Working stressess (permissible stress) for the materials are determined by dividing the ultimate or yield stressess by suitable factor of safety values. Limit state method of design based on limit state concept, te structure shall be designed to withstand safely all loads liable to act on it throughout its life;It shall also satisfy the serviceability requirements, such as limitations on deflection and cracking. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs is called a "limit state". The aim of design is to achieve acceptable probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for which is intended, that is that it will not reach a limit state...

What are the limitations of the states?

The limit state method is advantageous because all the limit states are checked to ensure that they will survive future conditions such as structural stress. The limit state method ensures that the structures can withstand a lot of pressure and remain durable.

Can limit state method be used for design of water tanks?

Yes we can use limit state design for water tank design....

What are the principles of limit state method of RCC design?

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How do you design an RCC multi-storied building in limit state method?

data required on size