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According to the legend, when the last move of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle is completed, the world will end.

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Q: According to the tower of hanoi in how many years will the world end?
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Why is the tower of Hanoi related to India?

The ancient indian city of Benarus (now called Varanasi) has a temple which is beileved to have "Tower of Hanoi" kind golden 64 disks. Preists are said to be transfering one disc per second without fail. Once all discs are transferred on to the 3rd pole, the world will end (roughly in about 585 billion years).

How old is hanoi?

Hanoi had another name was Thanglong, now Hanoi is 1000 years old.

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Yes, it is. It even was the world's tallest monument for forty years.

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No. The Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) was built approx. 80 years after the Eiffel Tower, and the tallest building before the Sears Tower was the World Trade Center.

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The Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889 as a monumental entrance to the world Fair. It is 125 years old as of 2014. It was meant to be up for only 20 years, but is still up today.

What is the tallest building in Vietnam?

I think the Keanang Hanoi Landmark will be the tallest building in Vietnam with 336m, 70 floors. It will be completed by 2010 during the 1000th years of Hanoi.

How many years between the flood and the tower of babel?

The Bible does not provide a precise number of years between the Flood and the Tower of Babel. According to the biblical genealogies, it could be estimated to be several hundred years, possibly around 100-200 years.

How many years has it been since the eiffel tower was built?

The Eiffel Tower was built for the World's Fair. Its construction started in 1887 and was finished in 1889. As of 2014, it would be 125 years since the Eiffel Tower was completed. The Eiffel Tower is 1063 feet in height.

Where was John McCain held hostage?

McCain was a POW for over 5 years in a Prisoner of War camp near the capital of Hanoi in North Vietnam. The POW camp was nicknamed, the "Hanoi Hilton."

How long has the speaker in the poem been away from hanoi and what has kept him from returning in thoughts of hanoi?

he has been gone for 10 years then he says he is never going back because he wants to burry the past :)

Who are some famous POW's?

How about Presidential candidate and U.S. Senator John McCain. He was shot down over Hanoi, North Vietnam and held in the "Hanoi Hilton" prison for 5 1/2 years.

Did John McCain leave his wife while she was recovering from an atuo accident?

No. He left Carol Shepp 4 years after her recovery, but the biggest part of the recovery was when he was still in Hanoi. Therefore, she was already out of recovery by John's arrival from Hanoi.