Place three coins touching each other on a table etc. Then place the fourth coin on top of and in the middle of those three coins.
when you place your hands on your hips, you are actually touching your ischium
get Closer(:
i know this person who gives other people coins for free. The name is thehairyman. just go to his place and give him a message saying how much coins you want, but you have to give him a gift. BELIEVE ME HE GIVES AS MANY COINS AS YOU WANT!
Destructive interference occurs when the trough of one wave collides with the crest of another identical wave at the same time and place. This results in the amplitudes subtracting from each other, creating a smaller resultant wave or canceling each other out completely.
Coins are produced at a mint.
Coins in the UK are manufactured by the Royal Mint.
It is a mint.
What?! Accept euro coins?? Who accept euro coins in the first place?
to get coins you get someone at your place and say give me coins and you will get 500 coins