Ja - Pronounced Yar - Translation: Yes
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words with 10 letters:ambassadorassortmentassumptionassistancebarefootedbartendersbasketballbeforehandbelievablebenefactorbeneficialcircumventcollectionconnectiondecorationdepositiondistractedendangeredeverythingfatherhoodglossariesgraduationhopelesslyinaugurateirrelevantjournalismkingfisherleadershipmarsupialsmelancholymicroscopenutritiousostensiblepopulationquadranglerandomnessreasonablereclaimingregenerateregrettingrepublicansettlementsuccessfultechniquestouchdownsuniversityvoluminouswatermelon
Number 10 is pronounced as "ten."
Following is the list of the numbers 1-10 in Italian:1. Uno, pronounced "OO-noh"2. Due, pronounced "DOO-eh"3. Tre, pronounced "treh"4. Quattro, pronounced "KWAHT-troh"5. Cinque, pronounced "TCHEEN-kweh"6. Sei, pronounced "seh"7. Sette, pronounced "SEHT-teh"8. Otto, pronounced "OHT-toh"9. Nove, pronounced "NOH-veh"10. Dieci, pronounced "DYEH-tchee."
This looks like your homework. Get off your backside, put your brain into gear and do it yourself. It is not that hard.
] == She is the best singer I've ever heard. If you could judge her 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, 1 being the least, I'd give her a 10. what would you give her? 10 10 10 10 i can not believe she got out
The symbol - is know as a dash or a hyphen (pronounced: HI-fen). An example of a - as a dash, you could use it for things like......writing the date: August 8th 2010, or......8-28-10. Using - as a hyphen, you could do things like......connecting words or phrases together such as: great-great-great-great grandfather.
cough, enough, rough, tough, ...
10 in French is "dix".