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The table should have 5 feet of space on all sides. The normal pool stick is approximately 57 inches, so you need the space when the cue ball is on the rail. Some professionals say that 4 feet 6 inches is adequate.

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12y ago

Regulation pool tables are 9 foot, 8 foot and oversize 8 foot. In addition, pool tables of 6 foot and 10 foot have been in regular use.

The 9 foot table has a 100 inch by 50 inch playing surface.

The 8 foot table has an 88 inch by 44 inch playing surface.

The oversize 8 foot table has a 92 inch by 46 inch playing surface.

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12y ago

The simple method if you want to have full use of the pool table is to add 10 feet to the table size you wish to use. So, you need more than 19 feet by 14.5 feet in the room to use a 9 feet by 4.5 feet pool table. This is based on the length of a cue stick, typically 58 inches.

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12y ago

Pool tables are measured by their playing area size. The common regulation pool tables are 9 feet long and 4 1/2 feet wide playing area, although 8 feet by 4 feet is also regulation size today. Pool tables are also made 7 feet by 3 1/2 feet play area, often called "bar size". The actual dimensions are about a foot more in each direction, as the "rails" extend beyond the play area.

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12y ago

The proper dimensions for a room depends upon the size of the table. The room needs to be at 56 inches larger than the pool table in every direction to be able to make all shots - 5 feet is typically recommended. Use the following pool table size to get the minimums for a room -

9 foot table - 112 inches plus 56 x 2 = 18 ft 8 inches minimum length

and 62 plus 56 x 2 = 14 feet 6 inches wide

8 foot table - 100 inches plus 56 x 2 = 17 feet 8 inches minimum length

and 56 plus 56 x 2 = 14 feet wide

Smaller rooms require the use of a short stick for some shots.

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12y ago

A regulation pool table play area is in one of 3 sizes, each with a different area -

100 x 50 inches - 5000 square inches

92 x 46 inches = 4232 square inches

88 x 44 inches = 3872 square inches

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16y ago

Table Sizes vary: # 3.5 foot x 7 foot for a bar size table # 4 foot x 8 foot for home # 4.25 foot x 8.5 foot for commercial # 4.5 foot x 9 foot for tournaments

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12y ago

In homes, the most common size is 8 foot. In billiard halls, the most common size is 9 foot. In bars, the most common size is 7 foot.

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Who made the first pool table?

It was not a pool table if it only had 4 pockets if it was made since about 1800. A 4 pocket table is most likely a bumper pool table.

How old is your pool table?

I do not own a pool table.

How do pool tables stay level on cruise ships?

Ships, and even some large yachts, have pool tables that are kept level when the ship has a slight roll by specially made gimbals. These keep the pool table from rolling with the ship or yacht in mild conditions. The pool table rests on gimbals and not just table feet on a floor or deck.

How do you say pool table in french?

Pool table in french is billard

What is the difference between a pool table and a billiard table -?

a pool table has balls but billard table has balls to play i would reccommed the pool table

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A hockey table is my opinion.I'd have to say a pool table. Unlike hockey or football, you don't need 2 people to play pool.

What are the different type of pool games that one can play on a pool table?

There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.

Bumper pool table size?

There is no regulation bumper pool table size.

What size is the semi circle on a pool table?

A pool table does not have a semi-circle. Only the snooker table has a semi-circle.

Why do you have a pool table?

The major reason people have their own pool table is to be able to play the game at their leisure. Having your own pool table is the most efficient, and in the long run the cheapest, way to practice.

How do you change rails on a pool table?

The rails should never be changed on a pool table as each is marked and perfectly squared at the factory for its position on the pool table it was made for. However, the rails can be removed to replace the rubber and to re-felt. It is important that each rail be re-installed in the same location that it was removed from. The rails are secured with large screws or bolts and can be removed easily.

Are the pockets on an American pool table bigger than those of an English pool table?

Yes- so that is why I bought an English table