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The first initial can be any one of the 5 letters for each of those possibilities.

The second initial can be any one of the 4 remaining, unused letters.

Total number of different 2-letter initials is (5 x 4) = 20.

There's no information in the question that could help us guess what any of

the letters or initials stand for.

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15y ago

* You can make 20 intials: * DG * DM * DS * DT * GD * GM * GS * GT * MD * MG * MS * MT * SD * SG * SM * ST * TD * TG * TM * TS

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Q: How many different 2 letter initials can be made using the letters d g m s and t if you can cause use letter only once in each initial?
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1. Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first: took the initial step toward peace.2. Designating the first letter or letters of a word.n.1.a. The first letter of a proper name.b. initials The first letter of each word of a person's full name considered as a unit: stationery monogrammed with her initials.2. The first letter of a word.

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