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2 face cards and 3 non-face cards = (12C2)(40C3) = (66)(9880) =652,080

3 face cards and 2 non-face cards = (12C3)(40C2) = (220)(780)=171,600

4 face cards and 1 non-face cards = (12C4)(40C1) = (495)(40)=19,800

5 face cards = 12C5 =792

Adding: 844,272 hands

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Q: How many hands of 5 cards can be obtained if at least 2 of the cards are face cards and the rest are of any kind?
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How many face cards are in a standard deck card?

On the face cards, each character is showing one hand, except that the King of Hearts shows both. So there are 13 hands depicted, and each depiction appears twice on each card, for a total of 26 hands showing.(This does not include the various depictions of Jokers, which could add 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 additional hands in a deck of 54 cards.)

How many poker hands can be made that are all face cards?

If you mean all the cards have to be face cards, then it would be a four of a kind, full house, three of a kind, and two pair. For example: Four of a kind, four Jacks and a Queen. Full house, Kings over Queens. Three of a kind, three Jacks, a Queen, and a King. Two pair, a pair of Kings, a pair of Jacks, and a Queen. If you mean how many different combinations can be made using only only face cards, there are 95040 possible hands.

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Not on their face and hands. Excluding the face and hands, yes. Including the face and hands, no.

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52/4= 13 face cards

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A MONKEY! A monkey has hands and a face, but doesn't wash its face!

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A MONKEY! A monkey has hands and a face, but doesn't wash its face!

What are face playing cards of a 52 deck?

Face cards are the jack, queen and king because these cards have pictures of the upper chest and face of people on them.

How many shapes can you make with 5 cubes at least one face touching?

With no repetition of shapes (symmetry) we have obtained 26 different combinations.

Is the ace a face card?

No. Face cards are jacks, queens, and kings - cards with faces on them.

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There are 4 jacks, 4 queens, and 4 kings or 12 face cards in a deck of 52 cards.