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it's a trick question. A 100-inch tall stack of nickels is ... 100 inches tall.

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Q: How tall is a 100 inch stack of nickels?
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How can you make nickels 100 inches tall how many nickels would you need?

how many nickels would it take to stack nickels 100 inches tall

How tall is a stack of 100 nickels?

100 nickels make a stack 6.25 inches high. A nickel is 1/16 inches thick.

How many nickels are there in 100 inches tall stack?

There are 1302 of them.

How many nickels does it take to make a stack that is 100 inches tall?

100 \

How many nickels would make 100 inches tall?

A stack of 1303 nickels.

How many nickels would you need to make a stack 100 inches tall?

According to the US Mint, nickels are 1.95 mm thick. A US inch is equivalent to 25.4 mm so 100 inches are 2540 mm.Dividing those two numbers, 2540/1.95 = 1302.56, so you'd need 1303 nickels to make a stack at least 100 inches tall.

How many US nickels would you need to make a stack 100 inches tall?

According to the US Mint, nickels are 1.95 mm thick. A US inch is equivalent to 25.4 mm so 100 inches are 2540 mm.Dividing those two numbers, 2540/1.95 = 1302.56, so you'd need 1303 nickels to make a stack at least 100 inches tall.

How tall is a stack of 100 dimes?

about 10cm because 1 dime=1mm* * * * *That would be OK if a dime was 1 mm but it isn't. It is 1.35 mm so that a stack of 100 is 135 mm = 13.5 cm.

How many nickels can make a 100 inch stack?

Nickels are 1.95 mm thick, although that could vary depending on wear. 1.95mm is about 0.076-0.077 inches. So, it would be about 1298-1316 nickels.

How many nickels would you need to make a stack of nickels 100 inches tall?

Nickels are 1.95 mm thick, although that could vary depending on wear. 1.95mm is about 0.076-0.077 inches. So, it would be about 1298-1316 nickels.

How many nickels would it take to make a stack of them 100 inches tall?

Nickels are 1.95 mm thick, although that could vary depending on wear. 1.95mm is about 0.076-0.077 inches. So, it would be about 1298-1316 nickels.

How many nickels fit in a stack of 100 inches?

Roughly 325