(4x4+4) / 4=5
4 /5
4 x 5 = 20 Therefore, the answer is 5
5 X 3 =/= 5
4/4 + 4 × 4/4
(4 + 4)*4 + 4 + 4 = 42
((4 times 4) plus 4) divided by 4.
An expression equal to 15 + 35, using distributive property, is 5(3 + 7). Under distributive property, 5*3=15 and 5*7=35.
I am not aware of a solution using the four basic operations of arithmetic, but otherwise: 129 = [(4^4)/sqrt(4)] + sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt...(sqrt(4))...))) * * * * * * * * * * * * No matter how many times you square root it, it will not equal 1 To the OP. I have spend a lot of time on this one. Just wanting to make sure that the correct number is 129 and you are sure you are using only 4 fours. It would work out great if using 5 fours. If you made a mistake, correct it and I'll check back. In the mean time, I'll continue thinking about a solution for 4 fours and 129.