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In the last square you will have 2^63 quarters, or 9223372036854775808 quarters ( 2305 843 009 213 693 952 dollars).

If you want to add all the quarters of the board, to see how much money you end up with, then you will have:

(2^64) - 1 quarters or:

18446744073709551615 quarters. Translated into dollars:

4611 686 018 427 387 903 dollars and three more quarters.

I know how many coins there would be 84,432,400,722,241,872 (84 quadrillion 432 trillion 400 billion 722 million 241 thousand 8 hundred 72

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13y ago

If you placed, one penny on the first square of a chessboard, and doubled it at every square, the number of pennies, at the last sqaure of the board, is extremely large!

It is the number, 263, which is equal to: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

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Q: If you put one quarter on a single square of a chess board and double it for each square how much money would you get on the last square?
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