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"If I were to ask the other guard what door was the door to heaven what would he say?" Then once they answer pick the other door.

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Q: There are two guards guarding doors one door to heaven and one door to hell The one that guards hell always lies What one question do you ask them to answer?
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When you go to heaven 2 angels in heaven 2 doors 1 goes to hell 1 goes to heaven 1 angel tells the truth 1 angel lies you want to go to heaven what 1 question do you ask?

i would ask this . is god good? the liar would answer no because he is a liar the truthful one would answer yes because he is truthful we know that god is good because the bible says so, therefore the one who says god is good is the one with the door to heaven. this is my choice i would ask either of the guards "if i were to ask the other guard what door he is guarding what would he answer ?" an whichever door they say that is which door they are guarding if i ask the heaven guard he would say that the opposite guard would say heaven, because he knows the other guard would lie and he would tell the truth if i ask hell guard he would know the other guard would say heaven because he'd tell the truth, so he would say hell so that's the door hes guarding

What angel is guarding heaven?

There are no need for any angels to guard heaven. God's power is so great that you might compare it to an invisable shield which allows no unholy thing to pass.

How do you get a crystal blue amulet in Dragon Fable?

in sword heaven quests near the guards

Do only Christians go to heaven according to Catholicism?

I assume you mean "Heaven". A good friend of mine is a priest. Here's the way he answers the question: When you get to Heaven if you look around and decide that you don't like who else is there, there is always another place you can go!

What is the most famous piece of rock music?

Most likely, it would be considered "Stairway to heaven" that is always the opinion i get when i ask the same question.

Is heaven always perfect?

Yes. No one that has not been forgiven and cleaned will enter heaven.

Who guards the gate of heaven in Canto 1 Inferno?

The three beasts guard the gate of heaven in Canto 1 of Inferno: the leopard, the lion, and the she-wolf. They represent the sins of incontinence, violence, and fraud respectively.

Does heaven means Jesus?

Heaven is a definite place described in the Bible. Jesus IS there, but he is a physical being inhabiting heaven, He is not Heaven itself. Good question.

Does jesus in heaven drink v8?

that's a silly question. there are no corporeal things in heaven

What is the name of the dog in Greek mythology that guards the entrance to the Underworld?

Cerberus. be careful when you say hell. what you actually mean is the underworld there was no heaven or hell in greek mythology only mount olympus and the underworld... the underworld was then split into sections that resemble heaven, hell and purgatory.

Why do pastors have body guards?

Because they do not truly believe the Lord is their shield and buckler, and that no weapon under Heaven shall harm them. (THAT IS IF YOU ARE TRULY SERVING HIM)

What does husbandry in heaven?

I have no idea what this question means.