Teen Talk Barbie.
I think she said "Math class is tough."
A lot of people objected to this "dumb blonde" stereotype and the dolls that said that were withdrawn.
However, I think most people would agree that MATH IS HARD!
So, not so dumb after all.
Teen Talk Barbie
it doesnt Are you asking about the following: 1. How does Barbie talk? The 1968 to 1972 dolls had a pull string which wound a tiny record that said with several different phrases. The 1990s Teen Talk and Super Talk Barbie dolls used microchips. 2. Some of the Teen Talk Barbie dolls (not all of them) said "Math class is hard."
very hard question, but i have done my research and it is said barbie dolls
It is usually said that 2nd order differential equations are a difficult math problem
Yes. Check out the 2011 Barbie and Ken set called "She Said Yes!"
"My doctor said that my next appointment is at 4:30 Tuesday."
what does this mean dude?
No sorry i checked it but it said oops it's not the right one to 5986 is not a barbie dolls of the world code!
No sorry i checked it but it said oops it's not the right one to 5986 is not a barbie dolls of the world code!
No, it was John Meillon. Paul said he would "put another shrimp on the barbie."
She will fail math if she does not study hard.
The earliest Barbie horse was Dancer, sold in 1971. She was chestnut brown, hard articulated legs and came with a stand.