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emm i suposse you mispelled "Stars" well.... idk actually... i would say hispanic stars like WILLIAM LEVI!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What color are the coolest and hottest starts?
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What are the hottest to coolest stars color?

The hottest is blue-white and the coolest is dark red.

How are color and temperature relateted?

Blue = Hottest Red = Coolest.

What is polaris hottest or coolest?

It is neither hottest nor coolest.

What is the color of a cool temperature star?

Red is the coolest star and blue is the hottest.

What is the hottest star from hottest to coolest?

I don’t know

What are the hottest stars from hottest to coolest in order?

The hottest stars are blue in color and have surface temperatures exceeding 30,000 K. Following the sequence: O, B, A, F, G, K, M (from hottest to coolest), O-type stars are the hottest, with temperatures reaching over 30,000 K, while M-type stars are the coolest with temperatures around 2,400 K.

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The sun is a G class star and (from space) its pale yellow.

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Why mercury called the hottest and the coolest planet?

Because it is has the hottest and coldest temperatures.

Are blue-white stars the coolest?

No. Red stars are the coolest. Blue stars are the hottest.

Did red dwarf stars get that name because they burn the hottest of all stars?

No, red dwarfs are called such because of their reddish color. They are the coolest of the main sequence stars. Blue stars are the hottest.

In the Bunsen burner where is the flame hottest?

The hottest flame is the blue flame and the coolest flame is yellow.