Sixty Minutes in a Degree. A "minute" is a unit of angular measure used in astronomy.
60 minutes in a degree
60 Minutes in a Degree
D&M Dressed and Matched
Are you sure about the letter "o"? 60 equals seconds in a minute and minutes in an hour.
i think you mean d m v which means department of motor vehichles
60-Degree Angles in an Equilateral Triangle
d degrees + m minutes + s seconds = d + m/60 + s/3600 degrees in decimal form.
I would hazard a guess it is 60 seconds in one minute
D=density V=volume M=mass
These are the difficulties from Hinson. Mozart's piano sonatas Easy, Intermediate (Int.), Moderately Difficult (M-D), and Difficult (D). K279 - M-D 280 - M-D 281 - M-D 282 - M-D 283 - M-D 284 - M-D to D 309 - M-D 310 - M-D 311 - M-D 330 - M-D 331 - M-D 333 - M-D 457 - D 494/533 - D 545 - M-D 547a - M-D 570 - M-D 576 - D
You haven't given sufficient information for an answer, but I'm guessing "166 m of the d" means 166 meters of the distance.