

What does 8 is 2 C mean?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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8 = 2 cubed

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Q: What does 8 is 2 C mean?
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If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.

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Mean: 3 I think the range is 7 or 8

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You need to use the pythagorean theorem to answer this question. a^2+b^2=c^2 In this case, you know the length of 2 legs. (a and b)... you are trying to solve for c ( the hypotenuse)... so.. 6^2+8^2=c^2... solve for c... 36+64=100... take the square root of 100, and c=10!

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Pythagorean theorem. a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Base divide by 2 = 6 which is the base for each of half of this triangle. Thus 6^2 + 8^2 = c^2. C= 10. The Length of each of the two legs is 10.