m means meter or it could be the roman numeral M meaning 1000 or it could just be a representative symbol like 'x' or 'y'
The symbol that looks like a horseshoe in physics is called the symbol for flux. It represents the flow of a physical quantity through a surface in a vector field. Mathematically, it is denoted by the symbol Φ and is calculated by taking the dot product of the vector field and the normal vector to the surface.
The Greek symbol x is pronounced chi, and it's a symbol of Jesus. There is no Hebrew character that looks like an x.
Nu is the symbol for frequency, which looks like a lowercase v.
The symbol is the greek letter alpha which looks kinda like a Jesus fish
It is represented by the Greek letter 'mu' or µ.For example micrometer is µm.------------------------------------------------------------------It is the symbol "mew." It looks like a u with an extra line in front.
It is the Greek Letter "nu" which is "v". It looks like the English letter "v".
The letter E represents the note Mi.
The Greek letter delta, which looks like a triangle.
The symbol for an apostrophe looks like '.
The symbol that looks like a star is called an asterisk. It looks like this *.