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unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy

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Q: What does effusive mean?
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What does this word effusive mean?

an expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm

What is a sentence for the word effusive?

She received effusive praise for her performance in the play.

What adjective is formed from the noun effusion?

The adjective form is effusive (an effusive welcome).

Can you use the word effusive as an active verb in a sentence?

No, because the word effusive is an adjective, not a verb.

What are minerals of effusive rocks and products of fumoral activities?

minerals of effusive rocks are minerals that are found as result of cooling of magma

How do you spell effusive?

Like you spelled it

What types of lava will most likely lead to a volcanic eruption of an effusive nature?

Shield volcanoes have effusive eruptions. Effusive eruptions are a volcanic phenomenon; in some ways the opposite of explosive eruptions. An effusive eruption is characterized by an outpouring of low viscosity lava which has a fairly low volatile content. Usually, shield volcanoes have effusive eruptions.

What is a sentence using effusive?

The young man, not being able to hold his gratitude, was uncharacteristically effusive to his Granddaddy for the car that he got for his birthday. effusive: expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained manner By the way, you also did make a sentence in your question.

Is a cold unfriendly greeting effusive?

Yes it is

Use effusive in a sentence?

Uncle John was very effusive when he answered the door and hugged us all, not seeming to care that he was being a little too emotional.

What is an effusive personality?

An effusive personality is characterized by being excessively demonstrative, enthusiastic, and expressive in showing one's emotions, feelings, or excitement. People with effusive personalities often have a tendency to openly and warmly express their emotions and engage with others in a lively and energetic manner.

Show me all thirty-nine volcanic eruptions of mount vesuvius?

Principal eruptions list 79 explosive Ash-fall, pomices and lahars472 effusive-explosive Lava flow and lahars to north-western flank51226 February 685 effusive Imposing lava flow787 effusive-explosive Lahars and imposing lava flow968 Lava flow to sea27 January 1037 Lava flow to sea29 May 1139 explosive Ash-fall1500 explosive Ash-fall16 December 1631 effusive-explosive Cone collapse; lava flow to sea3 July 1660 explosive Ash-fall to north-east flank13 April 1694 effusive Lava toward Torre del Greco25 May 1698 effusive-explosive Damage by ash-fall to south-east flank28 July 1707 effusive-explosive20 May 1737 effusive-explosive A lava flow invades T. del Greco; ash-fall and lahars23 December 1760 effusive-explosive Opening of lateral vents on southern flank (150 m asl)19 October 1767 effusive-explosive Two lava flows toward T.Annunziata. and S. Giorgio a Cremano8 August 1779 explosive Ash and bombs over Ottaviano15 June 1794 effusive-explosive Opening of lateral vents on south-western flank (470 m asl)22 October 1822 effusive-explosive Two lava flows toward T. del Greco and Boscotrecase23 August 1834 effusive-explosive A lava flow toward Poggiomarino6 February 1850 effusive-explosive1 May 1855 effusive A lava flow invades Massa and S.Sebastiano8 December 1861 effusive-explosive Opening of lateral vents on south-western flank (290 m asl)15 November 1868 effusive24 April 1872 effusive-explosive A lava flow invades Massa and S.Sebastiano4 April 1906 effusive-explosive A lava flow toward T.Annunziata, strong explosive activity3 June 1929 effusive-explosive A lava flow toward Terzigno18 March 1944 effusive-explosive A lava flow invades Massa and S.Sebastianosource: