Multiply the last digit by 7. Subtract that number from the remaining digits. If that number is divisible by 23, then the original number is divisible by 23.
If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.
Using algebra the number works out as 25
five digits number when you multiply by four is the same the number when you reversed it is 21978*4 = 87912
whats the answer please??
the number one.
Multiply the number by 0.75
You get 4 more than you started with.
by moving each digits
Multiply the original number by 0.9
You do by subtracting one from the previous number and adding 10 to the top number of the digits you are regrouping. Subtract those two digits and you should get your answer.