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Plot, possibly.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Q: What is a drawing that shows information like a graph its a 4 letter word?
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What is a 5 letter word for a drawing that shows you information like a graph?


What is a drawing that shows information like a graph?

chart. noun. a list, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand.

A drawing that shows information like a graph?

the answer is a Chart.

What is the name for a drawing that shows information like a graph?

A pictogram, possibly.

What is a line graph?

A continuous graph that shows change over time.

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is called what?

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is called a pie chart.

Information collected by counting can best display on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

Information collected by counting can best be displayed on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

What is the difference between a diagram and a graph?

The difference between a graph and a diagram is as follows: a diagram is a chart which shows a drawing and a graph is a graph with lines or bars indicating something specific in numbers.

Broken line graph?

A broken line graph shows information by plotting points of information on the graph and are connected with a line. This is used to show continuous data.

What type of information does a circle graph show?

It shows information about the topic you are studying.

What is a broken line graph?

A broken line graph shows information by plotting points of info on the graph, with dots and connecting them with a line.