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A glacial ridge could be defined as several things:

- An arête: a steep-sided ridge between two valleys that were formed by glaciers.

- corries: formed through glacier action.

- eskir/esker: a ridge of sand and gravel deposited by glacial movement.

- drumlin: an elongated hill caused by the streamlined movement of glacial ice sheets across rock-strewn lowlands.

serac - pinnacles of ice formed by the intersection of crevasses in a glacier

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Q: What is a glacial ridge?
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Another name for a glacial ridge is a moraine.

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When was Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge created?

Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge was created on 2004-10-12.

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What is a glacial Areté?

Sharp narrow ridge separating two glacial troughs (U-shaped valleys), or corries.

What is a mountain ridge that separates the heads of opposing glacial valleys called?

A mountain ridge that separates the heads of opposing glacial valleys is called an arete. It is a narrow and sharp ridge formed by the erosive action of glaciers on both sides.

What is the area of Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge?

The area of Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge is 78.509 square kilometers.

Where is the Purimac River?

The Apurímac River rises from glacial meltwater of the ridge of Nevado Mismi, in southern Peru.

A narrow winding ridge composed of out wash deposited in a tunnel or channel cut into stagnant glacial ice?

An eskers

Sharp ridges separating 2 glacial valleys?

These sharp ridges are called aretes and form when glacial erosion carves out valleys on either side of the ridge. As glaciers move down the valleys, they erode the rock on both sides, sharpening the ridge. Aretes are a common feature in glaciated regions like the Alps or Himalayas.