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Q: What is the name of math term starting with a?
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Is there Math term starting U?

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What is a math term of running left to right?

there is no such math term

What is the math term for multiplcation?

The math term for multiplication is PRODUCT.

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"Subset" IS the math term in this case.

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what does the term reorder mean in math

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power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents

Name for the incline of a hill?

The incline of a hill is its slope. The term slope is also used in math.

What math term begins with y?

One math term is y-axis and or yard

Equinox in math means?

There is no such math term. There is, on the other hand, an astronomical term "equinox".

What are some math words that begin with the letter w?

Whole number is a math term. Weighted average is another math term.

What math or algebra terms begin with the letter W?

Whole number is a math term. Weighted average is another math term.

Is the mathematical name for a football a polygon?

oval of revolution would be the exact math term for it. Doctor Chuck