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Q: What one-word state has the most letters in its spelling?
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What 1 word state has the most letters in Its spelling?

Liechtenstein is a country. The name includes thirteen letters. It is the country that has the most letters in its spelling.

What state capital has the most letters in its name?

Jefferson City, Missouri has the most letters with 13 letters.

What state requires the most letters to spell?

The States that require the most letters to spell are North Carolina, South Carolina and Massachusetts, they all contain 13 letters. The state name with the most different letters is New Hampshire, with 11 different letters.

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What US state has the most letter in its name?

Jefferson City, Missouri has the most letters with 13 letters.

What is the meaning of spelling?

"SPELLING" is the arrangement of letters to form language words. In most cases, a given language will settle on a particular spelling for a given word. The correct spelling will enable readers to properly distinguish the word and interpret its meaning.

What is the name Meaghan named after?

Margaret, but the most common spelling Megan, no useless letters - so as not mistaken for pronunciation as me-AY-g-HAN

What state has the most letters?

Sri Japruendarea Kotte I tried to spell it as best as I can LOL!!!

What state has the most letters in its name?

If you include the space, I think it might be "New Hampshire"

Sample mortgage denial letter?

Mortgage denial letters are most effective when they are short, direct, and to the point. These letters have to state reasons that have led to the denial.

What did Britain contribute to Canada?

Its language, spelling and pronunciation, most of its immigrant population, its government, and its head of state (the Queen).

Why are state capitals named state capitals?

you know about "capital" letters, right? well, capital means "the highest" and a state capital is the biggest, most important part of the state.