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Q: What series of letters does not belong b m s k or v s p m or g s m p or k p m s?
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Which letters does not belong in the following series and why A D G I J M P S?

Possibly the letters with no lines of symmetry.

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What are the notes to play gentley sleep on the recorder?

the letters are G A B A G A G A B A B GG A B A G A G A B A B G

What country has the letters of E A R Z G B?

The country that has the letters E, A, R, Z, G, and B is Azerbaijan.

What can you unscramble the letters N g e a b into?

The letters N g e a b can be unscrambled into the word "began."

Words with the letters b g r o you i g?

brought you

How do you play ode to joy on the recoder?

It is simple,really.Just follow the letters: B B C' D' D' C' B A G G A B B A A B B C' D' D' C' B A G G A B A G G A A B G A B C'B'G'A'BC' B A G A (LOW)D B B B C' D' C' B A G G A B A G G A G G B B C' D' C' B A G G A B A G G silence for 1 second then G A B C' That's all.I got it from my Recorder KARATE BOOK .It came with my recorder and labled the letters on top of the notes.You might want to right them down so you won't forget.

A B C G what letters does not represent one of possible bases in the DNA structure?

The nitrogen bases of DNA have letters A, C, G, T to represent it. B is absent in DNA

R o y g b what are the next letters in this sequence?

B (Black). Order of snooker balls.

What are the recorder letters for we wish you a merry Christmas?

We Wish You A Merry Christmans: gabdcc gabdcc gabdcc aabccccthe notes are B A G A B B B A A A B C C B A G A B B B A A B A G

What are the notes that don't belong in the traditional scale?

note b and g

What letters does not represt one possible bases in the DNA structre a b c g?

The letters a, b, and c do not represent possible bases in DNA structure. The four possible bases in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).