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A, B, C, D, E, H, I, K, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, and Y all have point symmetry

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Q: What three letters of the alphabet have point symmetry?
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H, I, N, S, X and Z. I make that 6, not 3! And O has 180 degree symmetry and more!

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Of the the seven letters, ABCDEFG, F and G have no lines of symmetry. However,Êall of them could have lines of symmetry if theyÊwere presented in three dimensions.

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The Rotokas alphabet has just 12 letters, all taken from the Latin alphabet. The language itself has three distinct dialects.

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The letters "ch", "ll", and "rr" are three letters that are not technically part of the Spanish alphabet anymore, but they make there own sounds. The only letter different still in the Spanish alphabet is the letter "ñ".

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That is a riddle. The answer is "alphabet". It has three syllables, al-pha-bet, and the alphabet contains 26 letters.

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Assuming that the letters don't have to make an actual real word, the answer would be the product of the number of letters in the alphabet multiplied by the number of letters in the alphabet -1 multiplied by the numbers of the alphabet -2. That is to say: 26 x 25 x 24 which is equal to 15,600.

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rstdieFBI or CIA