That word does not mean anything in Arabic. Chumash in Hebrew refers to a book-copy of the Torah scroll.
The African Luhya equivalent for the English word 'scroll' is "khabaa".
40.545 in word form is 'Forty point five four five'. NB NOT 'forty point five hundred and forty five'.
scroll book = מגילה (megillá)
This might be a scroll.
The scroll is locked.
"Cinco" is the Spanish word for five.
You can make a word or sentence to scroll on a screen by enclosing the word or sentence between "marquee" tag. Example: Sentence to Scroll
Five hundred four.
joule :)
if you mean scroll of fierce thunder, you get it after your second date with sasuke. if you mean scroll of fierce thunder, you get it after your second date with sasuke.