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Q: Why do all number plates in Canberra start with Y?
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Why do canberra car number plates start with y?

I think the "Y" is derived from: Yalwa Canberra, our free business directory site for Canberra. I am not sure though, but I think that's it, because I am one of those who's always been wondering 'Y'. I stand to be corrected. Anonymous. Answer Up until fairly recently, the various states and territories (except Northern Territory, which has all numbers, and Norfolk Island, which has its own NI plates) had plates allocated according to the alphabet. NSW got A to F or G, Victoria H to L, SA M to Q, Qld R to T, WA U to X (approximately) while Australian Capital Territory got "Y". Commonwealth cars' plates started with a red "Z". By the 1980s the states were running out of new combinations and started using other states' "beginning letter", but ACT stuck with "Y". Various new plates have been introduced which have moved away from the simple 3 letter 3 number setup over the last decade or so.

What is the significance of Parke County's license Plates beginning with the number 61?

Auto license plates issued in Parke County start with the 61 because it is the sixty-first county in alphabetical listing (of all the Indiana counties).

What is the country code for Canberra Australia?

The ISO for Canberra is either CBR or AU-CBR The telephone country code for Australia is +61; the area code for Canberra is +61 2, followed by an 8-digit number. (All numbers in Canberra begin with +61 2 61 or +61 2 62, but that may change in the future.)

What country is Sydney and Melbourne and Canberra in?

Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra are all major cities in Australia.

Do all of the yellow license plates start with an f?

I'm not that sure but when we were driving i looked at all of the license plates and the first letter on the license plate was an f

Why was the war memorial in Canberra opened?

the war memorial was opened to remember all those people who fort in the war and to appreciate all the work that they did. it is in canberra :)

How Canberra originally spelled?

Canberra was on a short list of potential sites for the new Australian capital as early as 1899. It was founded in 1913 as the planned capital and opened in 1927. All references to Canberra in these articles are spelled as it is currently spelled "Canberra".

How was Canberra originally spelled?

Canberra was on a short list of potential sites for the new Australian capital as early as 1899. It was founded in 1913 as the planned capital and opened in 1927. All references to Canberra in these articles are spelled as it is currently spelled: "Canberra".

Is Canberra north of Adelaide?

Not at all. Canberra lies east southeast of Adelaide, about 960 km away, as the crow flies. Canberra is the third most southerly capital city in Australia.

What are facts about the national war memorial in canberra?

It is located in Canberra, that is really all i know

Which state is Curtin in?

Curtin is a suburb of Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory, not a state. Canberra has suburbs named after all of the earlier Prime Ministers of Australia.

What was the total cost of all the art in parliament house Canberra?