

Best Answer
  1. xenophobe (noun), a person who is frightened of, or has a strong dislike of strangers/foreigners.
  2. xenophobic (adjective), suffering from xenophobia.
  3. Xhosa, a member of a Bantu-speaking tribe of South Africa
  4. xylophonist, a person who plays the xylophone
  5. xanthocroic, having yellow skin
  6. xenagogue, guide, someone who conducts strangers
  7. xenodochial, hospitable
  8. xenophilia, opposite of xenophobe, someone who likes strangers
  9. xylopolist, one who sells wood
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14y ago
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9y ago

Xeric is an adjective. It means very dry and having little moisture.

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11y ago

· xenophobic - abnormal fear of foreign things, especially strangers or foreign people

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11y ago

· x-rated

· xenophilia

· xenophobic

· xeric

· xerographic

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