It is 1,425 miles or 2,294 kilometers according to Google Maps.
The distance from Vancouver, BC, Canada to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada as the crow flies is 1,161 miles. The driving distance is 1,428 miles and takes 23 hours 40 minutes.
The air distance within Canada from Winnipeg to Abbotsford is 1,131 miles. That equals 1,819 kilometers or 982 nautical miles.
The distance from Vancouver to Calgary is 675.06 km.
It is 1,425 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance is 3572 kilometers or 2220 miles ========== Distance from Vancouver to Mobile (Alabama) is 2234.1 Miles( 3595.5 Kilometers / 1940.1 Nautical Miles ) ==========
It is 2,047 kilometers according to Google Maps
1cm is 18000000cm in real life so 1cm = 180000m or 180km. 3cm would then be 540km. But the actual distance from Winnipeg to Brandon is about 215km.
Taking HWY-1 West the distance is 2,296 km.
The driving distance from Vancouver Airport to UBC Vancouver is 11.7 kilometers. The drive time is around 15 minutes.
940 kilometers if you drive to Winnipeg and then Winnipeg to Minneapolis
About 5,801.45 Kilometers as the bird flies.