about 338 feet.
The average city block is considered to be 1/8 of a mile, 850 feet. 984 feet would constitute one full city block, with 134 feet left over.
523 feet
A standard US. city block is between 1/15th and 1/7th of a mile.
A city block will vary depending on where the block is located. In NYC for example, a city block is about 264 feet. That would average out to be about 1/2 mile for 10 blocks.
A block is not a standard measure.
The number of city blocks in 5 acres can vary depending on the city's layout and block size. On average, there are about 64 city blocks in 5 acres, assuming each block is a standard size of 330 feet by 660 feet.
It depends on the dimensions of the blocks. In many plats, a block is 1/10 mile, giving 528 feet per block. However, this is by no means a sure thing, and cities tend to lay their streets out in their own ways.
In Las Vegas, one city block typically measures about 660 feet in length. This distance can vary slightly depending on the specific area of the city, but a standard city block is commonly defined as 330 feet long on each side. This measurement is based on the traditional urban planning concept of a city block, which is a unit of distance used to divide city streets and neighborhoods.
how many feet is city block I st. pete, fl
The measurement of a city square block is not exact as it will vary from city to city. However, as a rough guide, in Portland, Sacromento and Houston a standard block would be 260 feet by 260 feet.
The number of city blocks in 1000 feet can vary depending on the city's block size. In a typical city where one block is around 200 feet, 1000 feet would be equivalent to 5 city blocks. However, in cities with larger or smaller block sizes, the number of blocks in 1000 feet would be different. It is important to consider the specific city's block dimensions to determine the exact number of blocks in 1000 feet.