Colorado's total area is 66,678,400 acres.
There were over 58,000 wildfires in the US in 2020. These wildfires burned over 10.1 million acres of land.
Total area is 13,952 acres for Longmont, Colorado.
About 497,920 acres.
22 million acres
Colorado is around 66.5 million acres in size, making it the 8th largest state in the United States by land area.
A total (land and water) of 119,104.8 acres.
10 acres
12 wildfires occurred in 2012, the most devastating one being the Waldo Canyon Fire that burned 350 buildings and took 2 lives in Colorado Springs
999 wildland fires for 28,490 acres not included is prescribed or fire management fires!
Eagle County has a total of 1,082,752 acres (1,691.80 square miles)
The north-central Colorado city of Boulder has forests nearby. It has many acres of nature preserves close by.