There are lots of regualtions regarding owning livestock (including sheep), not just how many acres you have. You would have to ask your local zoning department or agricultural division, they will point you in the right direction.
I got 25 sheep. :) But, there's no guarantee I did it correctly.
around 1/4 for one sheep. (thats what my sheep live in and he's happy!)
It depends on the number of sheep in your flock but if you only have a few a couple of acres should be enough space.
There are 45 levels with 5 of them being bosses.
Texas leads the nation in sheep production.
Cattle and sheep. sometimes goats depending on how far north you are
You can find contact information for Eileen Gray on the Countryside magazine website under the listings for sheep and the state of Wisconsin. The link to her contact information is
The largest sheep farm in the world is Anna Creek Station in Australia. It covers over 6 million acres and runs around 16,000 sheep.
No more than 60.
Texas is the US State with the most sheep.
It is best to have at least 1 acre for every 2 goats. I have 2 goats and 1 1/2 acres of grass myself and it is hard only in the winter because there is no grass period.
Wisconsin's major industries are manufacturing, agriculture, and health care. Wisconsin is one of the nation's leading producers of milk, cheese and butter. Agriculture crops include corn, cranberries, potatoes and carrots. Manufacturing production include transportation, equipment, paper products and health care devices.