Yes, Nicaragua is home of many breathtaking rainforests. Indio Maiz, Selva Negra, Bosawas, etc. In fact, most of the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua is made up of rain forests.
Two tropical rainforests are the Amazon Rainforest in South America and the Congo Rainforest in Africa.
nicaragua, central america
Second Largest
there are 625 million hectares of rainforest in the world
Approximately 40 football fields worth of rainforest are being cut down every minute. This equates to around 60 acres of rainforest lost to deforestation every minute.
30 acres of tropical rainforest is lost every minute!!!
1.4 billion acres
About 1 and a half acres per second i think.
Indonesia has faultiness, volcanos, and rainforest. So do Nicaragua, Columbia, and The States of Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii in the United States.
An area roughly the size of New Jersey is cut down in the Rainforest every year. Fifty acres of the Rainforest are destroyed every few minuets.
how many territories are in nicaragua
123 million square kilometres (1.7 billion acres)