23,040.09 acres.
Boardman Township's area is 23,328 acres.
A section in a township typically consists of 640 acres.
23,040 acres.
23,040.09 acres.
23,040.09 acres.
How many acres do you need to own a horse in Raisinville Township, Monroe Michigan
A township is a unit of land measurement used in the United States and typically measures 36 square miles or 23,040 acres.
There are 23,040 acres in a theoretical township. A theoretical township is 6 miles square, containing 36 sections, 1 mile square, of 640 acres each.
twenty four
Arizona's area is 72,954,000 acres.
Out of Arizona's total area of 72,688,000 acres, 28,064,307 acres is Federally owned (about 38.6%).