There are about 39.09 miles between Lufkin, TX and San Augustine, TX.
Lufkin, TX is 33.67 sq miles.
380 miles.
Laredo, TX has a total area of 54,105.6 acres
512 acres.
The address of the Lufkin Historical And Creative Art Cent is: 503 N 2Nd St, Lufkin, TX 75901-3013
120 miles
7,608.4 acres altogether, including water.
The address of the Texas Forestry Museum is: 1905 Atkinson Dr, Lufkin, TX 75901-2505
Bank of America
Houston, TX is 401,280 acres in total.
I went to school at SFASU which is Nacogdoches, TX which is about 15-20mins south of Lufkin so. Anywho, it's about 1.5 hours from Lufkin to Houston, and I'm using the Bush Intercontinental Airport as my Houston marker.