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Roughly 88,832 acres

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: How many acres makes up Detroit?
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How many acres makes up Walt Disney World?

Disney World is 42 square miles

How many acres make up Arlington National Cemetery today?

300,000 acres

How many acres does the Sam Rayburn Reservoir in Texas take up?

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How many acres of land make up the US?

The US has 2,428,224,640 acres of land.

How many acres of land make up Arizona?

114006 square miles times 640 acres in a square mile is 72,963,840 acres.

How many acres of land does the White House have?

!8 acres make up the White House grounds.

How many square feet in forty square acres?

well look this up how many acres in 1742400square feet on google and it says 40

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What makes up more than half of Florida's land area?

Forests over 14.5 million Acres

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Africa is approximately 11.7 million square miles or 746 million acres in size.

How many acers does the Sydney opera house take up?

4.3 acres

How many trees does Vermont have?

Vermont has approximately 4.5 million acres of forested land, which is equivalent to around 4 billion trees. This makes up about 78% of the state's total land area.