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1,000,000 gsllons

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Q: How many gallons of gasoline does los angeles use per day?
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How many gallons of gasoline does North Carolina use daily?

13 million gallons of gasoline a day.....24-7

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How many gallons of gasoline do the US use in one day?

1 trillion gallons and 1000 billlion in a year

How many gallons of gas does the average gas station sell per day?

Since we consume about 400million gallons of gasoline each day, that would be the same amount of gasoline sold each day in the US.

How many gallons of gas does California burn per day?

California consumes about 44 million gallons of gasoline per day, making it the largest consumer of gasoline in the United States.

How many gallons of gasoline are used in US in a day?

The official statistics according to the EIA (Energy Information Administration) are that the US uses 9,253,000 barrels/day or 388.6 million gallons/day.

How many gallons of gasoline are used in the US in 2010?

About 142.5 billion gallons of gasoline are used each year in the United States. This represents 392 million gallons per day. This is based on an estimated figure of 9.12 million barrels per day, 43 gallons per barrel, 365 days in a year.

How much Gasoline is used worldwide in one day?

The U.S. uses 46% of the total worldwide use of gasoline. The US consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline per day. That translates to about 869 million gallons consumed worlwide per day.

How many gallons of fuel does the US consume in a year?

I don't know if this is the exact answer to your question, but Americans use about 385 million gallons of gasoline every day.

How many gallons of gasoline are used in the US each year?

The U.S consumed about 64.3 billion gallons of finished motor gasoline in 2008. There are approximately 43 gallons of motor gasoline per barrel (and 19.6 gallons can be refined from each barrel of crude oil). This statistic does not include other distillates such as jet fuel and heating oil. The estimated use by the US Department of Energy was higher: For 2010, it was estimated at 138 billion gallons. For 2011, projected use was 142 billion gallons (9.12 million barrels a day).

What type of variable is the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station during a day?


How many gallons of gas purchased in California per day?

In very rough numbers, we have about 25 million autos each burning about 2 - 3 gallons per day average. This would lead to the figure 50 to 75 million gallons of gasoline per day. An official figure of 1.2 billion gallons was released in a recent month. Divide by 30 days to get "only" 40 million gallons per day.